The investment for grain and oil storage facilities and drying equipment construction projects has been fully released.

The reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that at present, the investment of 1 billion yuan for grain and oil storage facilities and drying equipment construction projects arranged by the central government has been fully released. Investment by enterprises and localities has been implemented, and conditions for starting work are available. The work can be completed before March next year. the amount.

It is understood that in the central government’s new investment of 100 billion yuan, a special arrangement of 1 billion yuan will be used for grain and oil storage facilities and drying equipment construction projects. It mainly supports the central reserve management companies to build central directly-owned edible oil and oil reserve facilities and support their commitments. The backbone of the national macro-control task is to build edible oil and oil storage facilities, and to support the three major companies in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, and China Grain Storage, China Grain, and China Grain to build grain drying equipment in the Northeast. Oil and oil storage facilities are mainly concentrated in the southeastern coastal areas and southern port cities, and drying equipment construction projects are mainly oriented to the northeastern region.

These projects can drive social investment of 1.8 billion yuan. After the completion of the project, it will add 964 thousand tons of oil tank tank capacity, 1.34 million tons of oil storage capacity, and 11.82 million tons of new drying capacity, which will significantly improve China's oil and oil storage capacity and effectively alleviate the Northeast region. The problem of insufficient grain drying capacity is of positive significance in further improving the national important commodity reserve system, increasing the country’s macroeconomic control measures, and ensuring national food security.

Under the conditions of tight schedules and heavy tasks, the Development and Reform Commission and the State Food Administration Bureau organized a group of experts to strictly screen the submitted items. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, taking into account the decentralization of these projects, the National Development and Reform Commission signed the “Responsibility Letter for the Construction of Grain and Oil Storage Facilities and Drying Equipment Projects” with the State Grain Bureau, relevant provinces and enterprises, and implemented all aspects of project implementation. The responsible person clarified the construction procedures and time requirements, supervised the implementation of the project specification and completed it on time.

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